Monday, October 31

Chocolate Lollipops

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope that everyone has a very safe and happy holiday. This weekend has been super busy. With a ton of errands, a sick mother in law, making a homemade Halloween costume and working on a blog update there never seems to be enough time in the day. Along with all of those things, I made enough time for a DIY project, that can be used as a Halloween Treat & and can be used as a candy favor for a wedding event (i.e engagement party): Chocolate Lollipops!!!

First off, making chocolate lollipops are super fun and pretty easy to do. You just need a few supplies: Candy Melts (I used chocolate and vanilla flavored); lollipop sticks (I used the cookie sticks because they are longer and thicker), food coloring (don't use the cheap stuff from the grocery store). And of course you need candy molds! I am using a mustache, lips and scary mouth molds for my project. I just love mustaches on a stick and I figure that it is a great idea for Halloween.

To get started, use a microwave safe container to melt 6-8 pieces of chocolate at a time (use the defrost mode in 40 second increments). You can add more chocolate after the first 6-8 pieces are melted, also mixing the chocolate between increments also helps with the melting process.

After the chocolate melts, you can spoon the chocolate into the candy modes, fill modes half way and then insert the lollipop sticks. I also used a little painters tape to keep the sticks in place. After the molds are completely filled, tap the mold on the table/counter top to release some of the air bubbles.

If you would like to have chocolate lollipops that are multi-colored, you would have to do it in layers at a time. (you can see in the photos above, that I added white for the teeth as the first step)

If you wish to have colored chocolate lollipops you add food coloring after the chocolate melts, just mix in a drop or 2 of food coloring, a little bit goes a long way, so don't over do it. Also the more food coloring you add, the worse the candy will taste and the more clumpy and unusable the chocolate will be.

That was easy right? Oh I forgot to mention, That after you fill the chocolate in the candy molds, stick them in the freezer for about 15 mins until the chocolate cools. You can tell the that lollipops are ready to be released from the candy mold when the candy mold has a little frost on it.

You can totally do this yourself for any party or special event. So start planning your next party event today! Happy Planning :)
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  1. Thanks for the DIY on the chocolate lolipops! I could never figure out how to get my sticks to stay in the mold, now I know to use some tape. Something so easy!

  2. There are several flavors that you can mix with the chocolate to heighten the taste. Add 1/8 teaspoon of orange, raspberry or cherry extract to the chocolate after it has melted for a different taste.
