Wednesday, December 28

Season of Love

Source: San Francisco Chronicle

Congratulations to My Dear Cousin!

Now that the holiday season is almost over, its time to get back to the season of love (which is really, all year long). I am extremely excited to announce the engagement of my beautiful cousin Jordan Lui to her sweet boyfriend James Holden. They recently got engaged this past veteran's day, 11-11-11. Since then, I couldn't wait to hear how James popped the question during the family holiday festivities.

James had surprised Jordan with a romantic dinner at a downtown San Francisco Fairmont Hotel. Little did Jordan know that they had company when they went to their hotel suite. With the company of a cappella group (University of California Men's Octet) singing the Bruno Mars song "Just the Way You Are" James proposed to Jordan.

Pretty romantic if you ask me. Where's my box of tissues when I need it? Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that James had hired a photographer and videographer to document the special evening. So sweet.

Now it's time for Jordan and James to plan their wedding. I cannot wait! Congrats dear cousins!

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