Thursday, December 8

Newlywed Project: Framing Posters

I am obsessed with interior design. In fact my dream job would combine wedding planning and interior design. I have yet to find this dream employment opportunity, so until then I will blog about weddings and do DIY projects around my home.

This is one of the newest editions for the house, I had ordered some posters from ; the posters are silhouette art from the books Jane Eyre, and Pride & Prejudice (my favorite books). The posters shows/reads a few chapters from these classic books and in the center of each posters, the words break apart to show silhouettes of Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth and Jane & Mr. Rochester.

The posters were too big, so I had to trim then a bit. I wanted a quick why do do this without measuring, so I placed the glass of the picture frame on top of the poster and traced around the glass with a pen. Next, all I had to do was to cut the excess poster with scissors.

What do you think? Do you like the posters? I like them (of course) Its like added texture to the walls without a lot of color.

This photo is just a bonus, because I love my convex mirror so much! (The mirror which matches my curtains perfectly! read here).
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