Monday, November 21

Who I am...

This past weekend, my friend had me take a Jung Typology Test. Can I just say, it is pretty much the coolest test ever! It tells you all about yourself, and seems pretty dang accurate. It like reading your Zodiac sign and Chinese astrology all at one time! The test will take like around 15 minutes to finish, and afterward, it will put you into a personality category.

I am type: ISTJ

The ISTJ's word is as good as gold, and they honor their commitments faithfully. They believe that to do otherwise would be nothing less than a breach of honor and trustworthiness. Consequently, they take their vows very seriously, and once they have said "I do", that means they are bound to the relationship until "death do us apart" or otherwise. ISTJs are driven to fulfill their responsibilities and duties, and will do so with tireless effort. They will do their best to meet the obligations presented by the different relationship roles which they play during their lives, i.e. spouse, parent, offspring, etc. They may have difficulty showing warmth, but they frequently feel it in abundance, and most develop the ability to show it through sheer effort. If nothing else, the ISTJ holds the gold medal of all the personality types for Effort. They will put forth tremendous amounts of effort to accomplish goals which are important to them. If healthy relationships are among these goals, you can bet that the ISTJ will do everything that they can to foster and maintain healthy relationships. 

My Strengths:
  • Honor their commitments
  • Take their relationship roles very seriously
  • Usually able to communicate what's on their minds with precision
  • Good listeners
  • Extremely good (albeit conservative) with money
  • Able to take constructive criticism well
  • Able to tolerate conflict situations without emotional upheaval
  • Able to dole out punishment or criticism when called for

My Weaknesses: 
  • Tendency to believe that they're always right
  • Tendency to get involved in "win-lose" conversations
  • Not naturally in-tune with what others are feeling
  • Their value for structure may seem rigid to others
  • Not likely to give enough praise or affirmation to their loved ones 

You can read more about my personality from here. What do you think, do you want to take the test? I don't believe in living your life by horoscopes or anything, but I must say, it is uncanny how accurate it is! 
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